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Dr. Nodnol

 Photo by Philip Laubner

About Dr. Nodnol

Dr. Finius J. Nodnol III, Esq., is the inventor of Dr. Nodnol's Imagination Rejuvenation Tonic, and the CEO of Dr. Nodnol's Imagination Rejuvenation Tonic, Inc. His tonic represents a breakthrough in modern science, psychology, metaphysics and pataphysics, and is guaranteed to free your brain to explore new territories within the far reaches of your imagination. Often imitated, never duplicated, finely fabricated, this tonic will return you to your lost childhood prerogatives and awaken the dreaming that lies within. Dr. Nodnol was born in a small town on the west side of the Northern region. When he was 7, his father got a job doing the books for a traveling circus, and for nearly ten years, he traveled with his family in a caravan of clowns, jugglers, acrobats and animals. When the circus eventually shut down, Dr. Nodnol began to focus on his studies, receiving formal degrees  psychology, medicine and law. Later on, he became an avid student of the fringe arts and sciences, including Alchemy, Surrealism, Metaphysics, Pataphysics and all forms of Magic, Magick, and Majik, which led him to devote his life to igniting the universal spark of genius possessed by all members of the human race. He currently resides in a small cottage, close to the water, where he writes, dreams, laughs, plays, creates, and drinks his tonic daily! He is proud to be involved with the circus once again as the Official Sponsor of The Circus of Wonders! Dr. Nodnol is also available to make special guest appearances as the official sponsor of your event!Contact Us today to speak with a circus specialist!

Dr. Nodnol

                                                                                                                             Photo by Philip Laubner

About the Tonic

Dr. Nodnol’s Imagination Rejuvenation Tonic represents a breakthrough in modern science, psychology, and creative thinking. Invented, tested, patented, approved, and used daily by the one and olny Dr. Finius J. Nodnol III, Esq. Dr. Nodnol’s Imagination Rejuvenation Tonic is guaranteed to free your brain to explore new territories within the far reaches of your imagination. Often imitated, never duplicated, finely fabricated, this tonic will return you to your lost childhood prerogatives and awaken the dreaming that lies within. 100% Guaranteed or your money back!