November 13, 2014 Posted by Ringmaster in

11/17/14 - Circus of Wonders and Artists Compound present IGNITE **Performance**

On behalf of Artist Artists Compound and The Circus of Wonders we bring you a very special edition of IGNITE! Featuring Swordswallower Dai Andrews, Magician David London, Bubble Fairy Jennifer Stephens, Snake Handler Nick Regula, Contortionist Alyssum Pohl and Middle Eastern Dancer Bagoas!!! We will transform The Rockwell for one evening enveloping the guests with photography celebrating performers from Reuben Dubscience Greene and Gregory Schmoke (aka Raven Black) As always, there will be a happy hour menu provided. The icing to the (cup)cake? Kat Kannons and her vegan cupcakes FREE!

The Rockwell

702 S. Broadway
Fells Point, MD 21231